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How esports mobile affects the mass market

esports mobile affects

One of the main reasons for the increase in the esports market is the increase in mobile device usage globally, which is also being the chief reason for the growth of the digital games industry over the next five years. A rise in mobile device usage will make esports more convenient to all while the mechanics of the mobile games revenue model will make the mobile gamers participate in esports. Mobile gaming revenue already exceeds console and PC gaming and the development of the mobile gaming market in greater Southeast Asia and America will further tip this balance.

Stabilization in the market sets the stage for esports mobile

Stabilization for esports mobile

Esports mobile that is available to the players by the mass market at the amateur and professional level is poised the next way for the global esports development. The first wave of setting up the platform is to participate in esports through a mobile device. This is possible because esports in general fostered the professional PC and then esports mobile.

The top 10 mobile esports titles in 2018 produced almost $8.6 billion total revenue equal to 7.8 billion from those of the same title in the previous year. The growth is slightly higher than the PC report but it continued.

Above all its advantages and growth in nature, this esports mobile gaming can be addictive to some younger generations too. Each holds mobile gaming obsession also known as gaming disorder is a type of addiction to Esports in the most recent form that emerged as a significant matter for parents. However, despite its medical status esports mobile gaming addiction has caused inestimable pain to countless people in the recent decade and it is growing in number with the increase in popularity in esports mobile.

Stages of a gaming addiction

categorize esports mobile gaming

As we know, there is no medical profession about how to categorize esports mobile gaming craving, which generally exists in several stages. Furthermore, each game is unique in itself as the addiction is also different. Nevertheless, there are some stages of gaming addiction that might affect the younger generation in the early stages.

  • Primary exposure: An individual may experience a greater fascination with esports mobile games for enjoyment and perhaps for entertainment purposes. They may also start to play as their friends or other colleagues are playing. 
  • Deeper interest: With the initial exposure to the esports mobile games, there is a deeper interest in the individual’s life. Other activities may begin to hamper which results in a lack of concentration in other jobs.
  • Raising obsession: Slowly the esports mobile games become an obsession in an individual’s life. They think only in terms of esports games and slowly the connection between the other family members declines with time.
  • Full-blown Addiction: A player becomes fully addicted to esports mobile games when the games they were playing are fully subjected to their interests. All their free time is taken up by esports mobile games and their energies and concentration are only focused upon it.